Fraudulent Number Plate Maker Narrowly Escapes Two Year Custodial Sentence
A recently prosecuted Southport-based number plate supplier narrowly escaped a two year custodial sentence having printed 13,277 number plates without performing appropriate customer identity checks. In addition to being sentenced to two years – suspended, the offending business owner was ordered to complete 300 hours unpaid work, made the subject of a three-month curfew and banned from driving for six months.
Details of the case can be found at:
More and more offending number plate suppliers are being taken to court and are facing large fines. Non-observance of your legal obligations can be extremely costly and damaging especially when it is a simple matter to rectify.
All Bestplate customers producing number plates are aware of the relevant statutory requirements and regulations they must follow. Not only must a supplier be registered with the DVLA under the RNPS scheme, but that registration must be maintained with fully accurate information about the name of the producer and location of the supply. Non-Registration or inaccurate registration will leave a supplier open to prosecution and fines.
We as a Company are constantly auditing our records to try and detect any inaccuracies so we can assist customers in rectifying any inconsistencies, and we will not supply anyone who does not have an RNPS registration. The DVLA are becoming more and more proactive in checking this information themselves, and actively seeking out inaccuracies in registrations and deficiencies in compliance with regard to keeping appropriate records.
We therefore strongly recommend you check your own registration with the DVLA to ensure your registration is still 100% accurate as to your business name, address and post code. Your registration can easily become inaccurate if you change business name or location. We also recommend you review your sales process ensuring you are fully compliant with the regulations as to proof of identity and entitlement checks before any number plate is supplied by yourselves.
Bestplate urge all suppliers to perform all appropriate entitlement and identity checks. Also to check their registration details with the DVLA. You can check your SID details in seconds via the SID check site: or through a quick call to the DVLA on 0300 123 0797. If you’re not registered or your details are incorrect you can resolve the situation on the telephone. If you are a Bestplate customer, we do need to keep an up to date copy of your Registration Confirmation – V942 Form.